Monday, September 16, 2019

College Savings Essay

Why is it important to go to college? I believe the answer is crystal clear. Attending college provides me with an opportunity for a better future. The economy now is not the same as it was in the past. Those who graduate high school are finding it extremely difficult to obtain high-paying jobs. The United States has been reformed into an economy dependent on knowledge. Graduating college provides the graduate with more desirable opportunities and options. It is a proven fact that having a college degree increases your chances of receiving a high-paying job; and isn’t that what we strive to achieve in our lives? The reason I wake up everyday and attend school is to one day have a high-paying job, that will make all the years of education worth it. However, though a college education is immensely important, it carries a heavy price tag. Unfortunately, the cost of tuition goes up every year, preventing many teens from attending college. I myself do not allow that unfortunate fac t to discourage from obtaining a college education. I am aware of the numerous available financial aid options. Though I am only in middle school and still have a couple more years before I can start college. I believe that I should be preparing myself for the future years ahead considering the fact that they are critical in my success. I often find myself searching the web for colleges and imagining myself attending those colleges in the future. But unfortunately, daydreaming is not going to get me anywhere. Once I snap out of it, I began to search for strategies that will benefit me in my quest to attend college. In my opinion, it is critical to form a strategy early on in the game. The sooner the better. The amount of money needed to attend college is great, so saving money early on is the best way to go. I have become aware that scholarships and financial aid do not pay for everything! Though they offer a tremendous amount of help, I will have to pay as well. That is why starting early is crucial. Of course, I will not be able to accomplish my goal without the help of my parents. They are the ones who will guide me and offer the necessary assistance that I desperately need. Making my parents aware of my strategy is the second step and probably the most important. Considering I am still a minor, their help is essential. The chances of receiving a scholarship or financial aid is not guaranteed! I cannot afford to place all my hope in the idea of a scholarship or grant and neither can my parents. We have to think ahead and prepare for the challenges that I will have to face. It is important for my parents and I to find out as much as we can about financial aid and the necessary requirements we have to meet to be able to receive the aid. Though the price of education is being raised, so is the amount of financial aid I can receive. The financial aid package that I will be given to me is determined by the college that I wish to attend. That is why I’m already searching online for colleges that I picture myself attending, and familiarizing myself with their criteria for incoming students. Receiving financial aid or any type of support is ultimately up to me. Scholarships are not given to everybody. I have to earn it. In order to improve my chances of receiving a scholarship, I have tried absolute hardest to obtain excellent grades. Most of my friends believe that middle school holds little importance. I disagree. It’s vital to put your maximum effort in your studies from the get-go. When I apply to colleges, I want them to realize that I’m serious about graduating and having a successful future. I cannot afford to begin to take college seriously in high school, because it may be too late. If I start preparing myself and researching about college early on, I will be ready and prepared when my high school years arrive. Which surprisngly are right around the corner. Forming a saving strategy is essential in my plan to attend college. There are various companies and websites that offer me the help and guidance to form my strategy. For example, the 529 Plan. The 529 plan is a tax-advantaged investment plan built to encouraging f uture college attendees to save for a college education. But these programs are not the only way to go. My school counselor and teachers also offer their expertise on the topic of college. My school’s faculty, for a fact, has my best interest at heart. They are constantly giving me advice on high school and what lies ahead. Now that I am in my eighth grade year, the topic of high school has been popping up more frequently in our discussions. I am still young and do not know all there is to know about college and the best way to start saving for it. So, I rely on the help of my teachers, counselor and of course, my parents. With their advice and support, I will be able to form a strategy that will help me save money for college. It is obvious that I cannot depend on their help alone. It is I who has to take their advice and put it motion. For example, I am allowed to work part-time at the age of 14. I know that it is extremely difficult to balance work and school so, I have decided to begin working during the summer. With of course m y parents consent. Having an income will help me tremendously. College costs a lot of money and considering the fact that my parents don’t have the biggest income, I’m grateful for the fact that I will be able to work and offer my parents a lending hand on my savings for college. Neither of my parents have a college education. I do not judge them because I know the challenges they have encountered, for I have witnessed them myself. My entire family was born in Cuba where a college education was difficult to achieve. When we first arrived in the United States, my parents found it extremely difficult to get job. This caused my family to go through many struggles. Struggles that we are currently experiencing today. Witnessing these struggles have given me the determination to have a successful future. I do not wish for my future children to go through what I have gone through. My parents understand this. Not only do they understand it, they encourage it. They are constantly referring to me as their ‘better future’. It is clear that they want me to succeed. They don’t want me to be constantly worrying about not being able to pay the bills or rent. They want my future to be worry free. They understand how important college is and have already began taking the necessary steps to guarantee that I attend. Having my parents support is essential for I do not think I would be able to do it on my own. Though they are not familiar with steps that need to be taken to get into college, they are trying their best to help me achieve my goal in any way that is necessary. Most people already know why college is important; it opens numerous doors and provides many opportunities and advantages once you have graduated. It has been proven that people with a college education earn nearly twice as much than those who only have a high school diploma in their pocket. You go to school to get good job, to earn money and have a successful f uture. A college education guarantees that. A college education increases my chances of living the life I have always wanted. The life my parents wish for me. In the United States today, having a college education is extremely important. Without it, you will most likely get nowhere. I would know. My parents do not have a college education. I have watched them suffer financially and the thought of me having through go through their struggles terrifies me. I do not want to live in constant stress over late payments or having no money to buy food for my kids. I know how difficult it will be to attend college. I know that I will have to make sacrifices to guarantee my future. But I am willing to make those sacrifices because I only the consequences that I will face if I don’t. Most people will not understand why I have decided to start saving up for college or even thinking about college so early on. But I have my reasons. College is more important to me than people realize. It’s the key to a successful future. My successful future!

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